School Year 2024-25 Information
All classrooms operate Monday - Friday.
Request your 2024-25 Preschool Registration Packet Today!
To request a Preschool Registration Packet for 2024-2025, please contact us at (330) 424-9591.
Columbiana County ESC
38720 Saltwell Rd
Lisbon, OH 44432
Regular Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 8:00am - 4:00pm, Summer Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:00pm (TBD for Summer 2025)If you have any questions, please call 330-424-9591.
School Year 2025 - 2026 Information
Beaver | Crestview | Leetonia | Salem | United
Welcome to the Columbiana County Educational Service Center (CCESC) preschool program located in your school district. Enrollment is open to Columbiana County Residents ages 3-5 years old. Students that are 5 years old AND are age eligible to attend Kindergarten at their resident district will be added to a wait list until June 1st.
Preschool registration for new and returning students for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Thursday, February 13, 2025 and will be ongoing (Do not complete online before 02/13/2025). This is an online registration process through FinalForms and ALL students (new and returning) must create an account, complete and sign the registration packet, and upload the required documentation in order for the registration/enrollment process to take place. Paper registration packets will not be available or distributed.
**Please follow these two steps to complete the registration application process for new and returning Students.
Click on each of the radio buttons below to learn more about our preschool program, create an account and complete the registration packet using FinalForms, complete the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Grant Application (we strongly encourage all families to complete this), pay the New Student Application Fee (if applicable), and print the Child Medical Statement Form.
Make sure all required documentation is uploaded to FinalForms when completing the preschool registration packet.
Original/Certified Birth Certificate
Copies of W-2s or two consecutive paystubs to apply for the ECE Grant (free/reduced tuition).
Proof of Residency
Parent/Guardian Driver’s License or State ID
Custody Paperwork or Court Documents (if applicable)
Signed Physician Medical Statement and immunization record by the 08/20/2025
Please note: Missing required documentation will delay the registration/enrollment process. Class rosters will be developed per state requirements: 1. Preschool Special Education Students, 2. Early Childhood Education Grant Students, 3. Tuition based students ages 3-4 based on application submission date, and 4. Kindergarten eligible students will be seated based on availability after 1-3 have been filled.
For more information or for help with the registration process, please contact the Columbiana County ESC office at (330) 424-9591 or send an email to Melissa Puhalla, Preschool Supervisor at mpuhalla@ccesc.k12.oh.us or Amy Teeters, EMIS Coordinator at ateeters@ccesc.k12.oh.us